Sasfin Vaccine Update

We currently find ourselves in the midst of the third Covid-19 wave. It requires that we all play our part to protect ourselves and our loved ones by being vigilant and making sure we stick to the health protocols of avoiding crowds, social distancing, sanitise and wearing masks.


The impact of the pandemic has disrupted our daily lives, resulting in many of us feeling overwhelmed and experiencing high levels of anxiety. While it’s important to be kept informed of developments, we should also be cautious about the source of information to make sure that it is indeed useful.


With this in mind we thought it would be helpful to share various Covid-19 insights and provide clarity on how the vaccination program is tracking relative to the goals set and bring you this webinar with Dr Ron Whelan, Head of Discovery’s Covid-19 task team, to provide an update on developments.


The main takeaway points from this session included:

  • Our healthcare system is under strain and we all need to take action to flatten the curve.
  • The new Delta variant is driving the third wave.
  • This variant is proving to be extremely transmissible and thus infecting entire family homes, including young children.
  • Its symptoms are different to previous variants; according to the World Health Organisation, it’s the “fastest and fittest” variant yet.
  • The Vaccines are proving to be effective, based on available data, with efficacy being apparent after 14 days post the vaccine.

Vaccination Registration

For the benefit of medical scheme members and with the aim of simplifying the vaccination registration process, Discovery Health has fully integrated their Vaccination Portal with that of the Department of Health’s Electronic Vaccination Date System (EVDS). This allows medical scheme members (not limited to only Discovery Health members) the ability to book their vaccination at one of Discovery Health’s vaccination sites. To access a guide on how to register and book your vaccination via the Discovery Vaccination Portal, please click here.


When it is advisable to delay your vaccination

  • You have Covid-19 or are still within the 10-day recovery period.
  • You were hospitalised due to Covid-19 within the last 28 days.
  • You had any vaccine (including the flu vaccine) within the last 14 days.
  • You had your first Covid-19 vaccine dose within the last 42 days.


Follow the medical advice you have been given if:

  • You have been advised by a medical doctor not to get vaccinated
  • You had a serve or immediate allergic reaction (within 4 hours) to your first dose of Covid-19 vaccine.


For answers to questions related to the vaccine rollout and Covid-19 in general, the following sites have proven very useful:


For guidelines on registering on Discovery's vaccination portal click here. 

About the Author

Charleen Rix
Head, Sasfin Healthcare

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