Sasfin Bolsters Financial Literacy In Association With Noble

In 2019, Sasfin partnered with Noble B-BBEE Advisory to identify, manage and facilitate consumer education programmes designed to transfer knowledge and skills to high school students and people living with disabilities. Broadly speaking, consumer education is the process of transferring knowledge to consumers, future consumers and potential consumers for individual wellbeing and the public good. Such programmes are part of the organisation’s initiatives aimed at creating a financially inclusive economy.

Noble facilitated The Scholar Financial Programme that aimed to provide learners from previously disadvantaged groups with financial literacy, a future of financial independence and Sasfin bolsters financial literacy in association with Noble understanding. In addition, our programmes aimed to empower people with disabilities, as the disabled are often marginalised from some of the education programmes that entities undertake due to different circumstances. Noble catered for people with disabilities, currently enrolled for an accredited course.

As part of the financial literacy programme, many basic financial literacy topics were covered including:

  • What is money and why we need it
  • History of debt in South Africa and current statics
  • Expenses vs Income
  • Importance of saving, and setting targets and goals
  • Power of choice, and balancing my needs and wants
  • Retirement saving – at my age, do I need it?
  • Banking choices and my piggy bank (for scholars)
  • How to earn as a student, review case studies from around the world


About the Author

Terri Katz
CSR Manager, Sasfin

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