Safe Snap, keeping your family safe

Show me a problem and I’ll show you an entrepreneur. That’s why we live to support small and mid-sized business owners. When we help a business, the impact is far, far greater than what we can achieve alone, because SMEs are the problem-solvers who change the world, one product, solution and service at a time.

Which brings us to our latest Small Business Showcase: SAFEsnap. Adrian Broom and his wife lived through every parent’s worst nightmare – they lost their children at a shopping mall. Thankfully, their story has a happy (and safe) ending, but Adrian started obsessing over their experience. Child trafficking is rampant, both in South Africa and the world, and the reality is that most people have no idea who they should call or who can help them if their child goes missing.

So, Adrian decided to do something about it. Every business starts with a problem statement and then the entrepreneur sets out to figure out if anyone else has the same problem too (they usually do, and that’s our pro tip for the day – if there’s a challenge you are facing, chances are, someone else is facing it too, which means there is a market for a solution).

Adrian discovered that most parents face similar fears and that they have no idea who they should contact in an emergency.

The solution? There’s an app for that (well, there is now). SAFEsnap is a simple app that anyone can use – including children. Icons represent family members and additional icons represent the emergency you’re facing – press the icon you need, and the app immediately connects you with a service provider in the private sector.

Here’s what we love about SAFEsnap and Adrian’s idea. It started out as a solution for child abductions, but it quickly grew into a full emergency and security services app. Anyone can use it because it’s based on family images and icons, which allows a child to take control in an emergency and contact the necessary help they need, even if a parent is unconscious or has suffered a medical emergency.

Visit SAFEsnap’s website

Visit SAFEsnap’s Facebook page

Visit SAFEsnap’s Instagram page

For Adrian’s full story and to discover what SAFEsnap can do for you and your family,
Watch the full video here:

About the Author

Image of Elisheva Gilbert
Elisheva Gilbert
Chief Marketing Officer, Sasfin Holdings Limited

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