UVMA Jazz chords and the music of business

There’s a beautiful African proverb that it takes a village to raise a child. Entrepreneurship is the same. No business is built in isolation, and the Unique Voice Music Academy (UVMA) is a great example of this in action.

Founder Hannah Foster studied jazz vocals before becoming a vocal coach. She gave school children singing lessons and was a performer. And then she pivoted.

Pivots are always interesting. During the pandemic, we saw businesses pivoting to survive, but in most cases, pivots are the result of business owners spotting gaps in the market, wanting to solve a problem or simply because a new opportunity presents itself.

UVMA was the result of Hannah realising in 2019 that she wanted to shift what she was doing. The school kids she taught were growing into adults – and they still wanted to sing. Add to that a few more mature clients who also wanted singing coaching later in life, and Hannah recognised that there was a market of people who wanted to pursue their passion for music, singing and even recording and performing.

At first, coaching took place in Hannah’s living room (and then, like all businesses in 2020, via Zoom). And then in August 2021, Hannah was having coffee and bumped into Andy, someone she knew from her gigging days. Andy headed up a drum academy and studio down the road, and the rest, as they say, was history. Hannah needed studio space. Her skills bring students into the studio who also want to start recording and performing. It’s a match made in heaven, for Andy and Hannah as well as their students and clients, who now have access to a full range of music-related solutions.

And that’s the village we love talking about. It’s more than the entrepreneurs who partner up to build better businesses and offer their clients more. It’s the people within their circles, the happy accidents through networks that breed even better ideas and solutions, and the clients who love what they do so much they become part of a community – a village, if you will.

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About the Author

Image of Elisheva Gilbert
Elisheva Gilbert
Chief Marketing Officer, Sasfin Holdings Limited

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