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Please join us in welcoming Ringetani Ndlovu and Siphesihle Siswana to our Sasfin Asset Managers’ team effective June 2023.

Ringetani Ndlovu is a very accomplished investment professional with extensive experience in fixed income markets.  Her background in credit risk analysis across both listed and unlisted debt means she brings valuable insights to our investment process.  As Head: Credit Risk she will be instrumental in guiding decisions covering all debt exposures at Sasfin Asset Managers. Further to Ringetani’s experience in the analytical work around credit risk, she has also previously played a key role in managing Impact Investing mandates.  In this regard, she will also be one of the key leaders driving Sasfin’s Impact Investing capability, in collaboration with Sasfin’s joint venture partners, RBN Fund Managers.  She will therefore be a key part of the team leadership as Sasfin grows its investment capabilities.


Siphesihle Siswana has joined Sasfin Asset Managers as a Senior Equity Analyst at a crucial time in our growth journey.  He brings incredible passion and experience to our investment team.  With extensive experience as an equity analyst covering several markets sectors, he will play an important role in strengthening our Equity Fund capability.  Importantly, Siphesihle will be working alongside renowned fund manager, Errol Shear, in managing absolute return multi-asset funds.  Sasfin’s Stable Fund is an award-winning fund and Siphesihle will become part of the team that will drive this fund forward.  He will therefore be a key part of driving Sasfin’s long term investment performance in this pace. 


We eagerly anticipate the invaluable contributions that Ringetani and Siphesihle will undoubtedly make to our clients, the team, and the organization. The addition of Ringetani and Siphesihle is a testament to Sasfin Asset Managers' commitment to attracting top talent and fostering a team of exceptional professionals.  We extend a heartfelt welcome and offer well wishes as you both become part of our team. We have full confidence in your ability to become leaders in your respective fields and to have a long and prosperous career with Sasfin Wealth”; adds Arno Lawrenz, Chief Investment Officer: Sasfin Asset Managers.

About the Author

Image of Arno Lawrenz
Arno Lawrenz
Chief Investment Officer, Sasfin Asset Managers

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