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We appreciate your participation in the Market Update hosted by Arno Lawrenz. It brings us great pleasure that you were able to join us as we delved into a thoughtful approach to optimizing earnings through investments within the contemporary South African context.

We recognize the importance of staying ahead of the curve and adapting to changing market dynamics. In this highly informative session, we aim to provide you with valuable insights and practical knowledge to optimize your investment strategies in the current economic landscape.

If you happened to miss any segments of the webinar or wish to review the material again, kindly access the recording by below. Additionally, you can also read Arno Lawrenz's interview with Citywire South Africa, where he provided valuable insights into the potentially varied returns that Income investors could anticipate from Sasfin's two main fixed income funds here.

About the Author

Image of Arno Lawrenz
Arno Lawrenz
Chief Investment Officer, Sasfin Asset Managers

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