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Disney is one of the global companies held in the Sasfin Global Equity Fund, managed by Andrew Padoa, Portfolio Manager at Sasfin Wealth. It is known for movies like Lion King, Frozen, Aladdin, Toy Story, Finding Nemo as well as movies that fall under the Marvel banner. Of the top 15 grossing box office movies of all time, 10 are Disney owned films. “Disney has the ability to make you feel like a child again. That is immensely powerful, and I don’t know any other entertainment company who can do that”, Andrew Padoa explains.

There is a lot more to Disney than its popular movies, one of which is the direct-to-consumer division, which includes various streaming services. “The big opportunity for Disney lies in the streaming space”, Padoa explains.

Watch our Disney Stock Story for more insights from Andrew Padoa on why we include this stock in the Sasfin Global Equity Fund.

To find out more click here to contact Andrew Padoa.

About the Author

Image of Cobus Du Preez
Cobus Du Preez
Head, Marketing and CX, Sasfin Wealth

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