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Sasfin Asset Managers was once again nominated by the 2023 Morningstar Fund Awards - South Africa, for the BCI Stable Fund in the category for the Best Cautious Allocation Fund. Institutional Fund Manager, Errol Shear manages this award-winning fund. His tremendous leadership in bringing the fund to remarkable heights over the years is commendable, evident in the recent nomination.

The Morningstar Awards as articulated by the organisations are designed to help investors around the world identify the year's most exceptional funds and fund managers. Awards are announced throughout the year at ceremonies across Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas, honouring managers that have added the most value for investors. Fund and fund group nominees are selected based on sound quantitative methodologies that emphasize outperformance over one-, three-, and five-year periods, while regional analyst-driven Fund Manager of the Year awards recognize managers who have not only achieved impressive returns, but also been strong stewards of shareholder capital.

The Sasfin BCI Stable Fund is designed for the cautious investor who does not want to risk losing hard-earned savings, but also wants the value of his/her portfolio to grow ahead of inflation. The portfolio holds a core of fixed income assets which produce a stable income, including high quality bonds which pay out inflation plus.

Institutional Fund Manager, Errol Shear shares more about the fund; “The Sasfin BCI Stable Fund has returned 10.6% p.a. over the last 3 years to February 2023, despite a very challenging environment, with Covid, loadshedding, a weak domestic economy and poor markets. The Sasfin BCI Stable Fund, as its name suggests, is managed with the objective of producing stable returns above the inflation rate.”

Errol further explains in detail more on the fund in his latest video below:



The fund sits under the wing of Sasfin Asset Managers which was established in 2002 and has garnered itself as one of South Africa’s leading boutique Asset Managers. The diverse offering has grown to incorporate a range of equity, income and multi-asset class funds designed to suit the needs of client with the leadership of Arno Lawrenz. Further to this, it is also worth mentioning that our BCI High Yield Fund won the Best South African Interest-Bearing Short-Term Fund at the 27th edition of the renowned Raging Bull Awards last month, these are truly affirming recognitions for the organisation.

“The Fund Manager has a successful long history of stable returns, through both good and tough times. At present the short-term outlook is gloomy. Judging from history, the tough times eventually end, and the investment cycle picks up again, and hopefully we can look forward to even better returns for the Sasfin BCI Stable Fund. In the meantime, the Fund is run in its usually cautious manner,” adds Shear.

To learn more about Sasfin Asset Managers and the available funds, click here.

About the Author

Image of Ntombi Ntanzi
Ntombi Ntanzi
Content & PR Specialist, Sasfin Wealth

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