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These are the stories we love to share, because they make a real, on-the-ground impact to business owners:

“One morning, I arrived at a panel beater for a quotation and realised that the premises was so full, there was no room for new customers. The owner explained that he had been running his business for the past 20 years and had been renting business premises the entire time. I sat waiting, thinking if all the ways Sasfin could close the gap and help the business grow.”

Through a casual conversation, Nkosinathi picked up 4 things:

  • The business owner was using his personal account for the business
  • He had challenges managing  his business finances
  • He dreamed of purchasing business premises
  • He wanted to grow and employ more people

Nkosinathi knew he had a solution: A Sasfin transactional business account could add value, particularly with B//YOND’s additional feature: generating quotations, invoicing, payroll and payslips.

This simple but powerful move to a formalised business transactional account has delivered astounding results: A move to new business premises, 5 new employees and a much better handle on finances.

“The day they sent me pictures of their new business cards made me so happy and proud to be part of Sasfin Business Banking. This is the beginning

About the Author

Image of Nkosinathi Nkosi
Nkosinathi Nkosi
Business Banker - Small Business, B\\YOND Business Banking

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