How Gina Pires has found her niche

Gina Pires has always found it rewarding to help others. For years this meant helping friends and family until she lost a loved one. The stress of the paperwork, packing up and organisation involved in the wake of a tragedy planted a seed: could Gina use her organizational skills to help others through their most stressful periods?


This seed eventually blossomed into a business, Organised By Gina, with Gina’s niche focusing on helping the elderly when they downscale or have lost a loved one and assisting divorced gentlemen to maintain their households.


Of course, Gina will assist anyone who is looking to declutter their home or get more organised (and we know how much mess working from home, schooling from home and successive lockdowns has generated), but what we love about this business is that she isn’t afraid to be niche.


Many businesses – particularly small businesses – try to be everything to everybody to bring in revenue, forgetting that there is power in being the niche option. Niche businesses are experts in their area. They become the go-to name in the market. And, if there is enough need for the solution on offer, there is no need to evolve beyond that niche.


I personally also love Gina’s solution to the ‘stuff’ that she helps her clients to declutter. There is so much need in South Africa, and everything that is moved out of a client’s house is donated to a charity. For those who have lost loved ones, there is an added comfort to know that they are doing good within their community.


Gina shares four tips to running a successful small business:


  • Go the extra mile
  • Pay attention to detail
  • Have empathy and compassion
  • Ask every client for transparent reviews so that you can grow and learn (from both good and bad reviews)


Watch the full video here:


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About the Author

Elisheva Gilbert
Chief Marketing Officer, Sasfin Holdings Limited

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