Dean Joffe doesn’t want to do things the way they’ve always been done

Dean Joffe describes himself as a self-professed maverick – he doesn’t want to do things the way we’ve always been told to do them. He doesn’t want to follow traditional paths. But he does want to try new, different and exciting things. In other words, he’s an entrepreneur.

More than this, however, Dean wants people to change the way they think, transact and view the world as well.

It was this that drove the decision to launch Bitfund, a cryptocurrency trading platform. Dean and his three co-founders hit on the idea while they were investigating cryptocurrency investments. It was 2017 and they were looking for different asset classes to invest in. Bitcoin immediately grabbed their attention. It was a new asset class, it had (in Dean’s words) cool tech under it and the value was going up.

Next, they investigated Ethereum, which is where they started hitting stumbling blocks. Ethereum wasn’t available in South Africa, and they hit a lot of stumbling blocks. It was an extremely difficult path and yet they believed in the underlying economics and the fundamental value that cryptocurrencies present. And so Bitfund was born with intense development going into the platform’s algorithms, removing the barriers of entering crypto by allowing users to invest in diversified portfolios.

Dean and his co-founders are in a very interesting space. It’s highly disruptive, which means it has detractors and supporters, but what we love about disrupters and mavericks is that they’re excited by new technology and business ideas – and this is how the world changes.

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About the Author

Image of Elisheva Gilbert
Elisheva Gilbert
Chief Marketing Officer, Sasfin Holdings Limited

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