How a solid industry reputation helped create Liquid Lighting

It’s not what you know, it’s who you know. We’ve all heard this saying and it’s one of the reasons why entrepreneurs put so much focus into networking. Small businesses in particular need to support each other.

But for Fiona Reid and her business partner, Warren, there’s an added meaning as well – when they launched their start-up, Liquid Lighting, four years ago, they had a huge competitive advantage. After decades in the industry, they had a very good reputation and were well-known for delivering on their promises.

This meant that when they took the plunge to launch their business from two small desks in a garage, they weren’t really starting from scratch. Instead, they had clients ready and waiting to work with them, and the rest, as they say, is history.

Liquid Lighting works with retail, commercial and residential projects, bringing architectural visions to life with tailored lighting solutions. The key for Fiona and Gary is the entire value chain – their customers are as important as their suppliers. It’s an ecosystem of support and one that we really believe in at Sasfin. Businesses need to support each other and add value to each other, and entire industries and our economy will grow.

It's a lesson Fiona really understands and one that has served the business well. It’s also a reminder to all small businesses to not only know your values – but to live them!


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About the Author

Elisheva Gilbert
Chief Marketing Officer, Sasfin Holdings Limited

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