E-ngwenya: Small businesses keep local economies moving


When you meet Sipho, it’s quickly evident why. An industrial psychologist by trade, Sipho gave up his corporate position in 2019 to embrace the uncertainty and opportunities of entrepreneurship. But he doesn’t call his company a small business. He calls it a passion business, which tells you everything you need to know about this up-and-coming entrepreneur.


His lessons are simple:


Start with passion. If you do it for the money, your business may work, but you’ll be hard-pressed to really differentiate yourself. As its name suggests, E-ngwenya Cleaning Services is a cleaning company that specialises in mobile car washes and in-home carpet, couch and mattress cleaning. Sipho is passionate about cleanliness. He admits he’s OCD, but more importantly, he’s a great example that businesses reflect their founders – as a business owner, what you care about matters, because it will shape your culture.


Never compromise on quality. For Sipho’s team, this means always being punctual, always delivering the best service that adheres strictly to Covid protocols, and always putting the customer first. “The message I share with my employees is that no customer owes us anything. We exist to add value to our customers’ lives. That’s how we open doors for ourselves.”


Put your people first. Your people have to wake up each morning and support your vision. They arrive with their own cultures, ideas, values and what’s important to them. As a leader, you need to know that your human resource is your greatest resource – respect their differences and shape them into a team that feels respected, and that the business cannot succeed without them. Your people are special – make sure they know it.


Supporting passion businesses

E-ngwenya currently has six full time employees, four part-time employees and is in the process of expanding. Not only is Sipho employing people, but the money that comes into a small business quickly goes back into the economy. This is the role that small business plays – as a sector it’s a conduit for cash flow, which boosts our local economy.


You can support Sipho in the following ways:

  • Experience his services: You can contact him on his WhatsApp: 060 982 2691
  • Like and share this video so that more people see it

Watch Sipho’s interview below:

About the Author

Elisheva Gilbert
Chief Marketing Officer, Sasfin Holdings Limited

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