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When Jillian started at Sasfin 35 years ago there were fewer than 10 employees and Sasfin was renting half a floor. She’s watched as Sasfin has grown from half a floor, to a full floor, an entire building, and beyond. Side by side, Jillian’s own career has grown from data capturer to bookkeeper in the finance department. “There hasn’t been a dull moment,” she says.

What’s kept her at Sasfin is the people. “The people are friendly, there is teamwork, everybody is eager to learn.” In addition, she says being a part of Sasfin’s growth from small business in Norwood to a bank with head offices in Sandton has meant she’s had plenty of opportunities for growth and learning. “There was so much to learn in Sasfin”. In fact, it was watching the company grow and transition into a bank in 1999 that was one of her biggest career highlights.

Throughout her career, Jillian has had the opportunity to be mentored by some of Sasfin’s leaders, and also to mentor new hires. She recalls learning from the examples set by Eva Sassoon and Roland Sassoon and other leaders in the years following. “It’s been an amazing journey just learning from the company itself and the people,” she says.

It’s been an amazing journey just learning from the company itself and the people.

Says Eva Sassoon, “I remember with great fondness our times together working with you , Rose & Sophie! We all managed to overcome the difficulties and our department grew from strength to strength. I am very grateful for all the hard work you put in. Rose, Sophie and I have retired since and you are the only one left from the old team. Thank you so much for your loyalty to Sasfin and to the Sassoon family.  It is deeply appreciated.”

As a veteran of Sasfin, she’s been able to extend her knowledge to others and is always happy to help. “I’ve met a lot of people along the way. Being at Sasfin for 35 years, I’ve seen people come and go.” If you’re just starting your career at Sasfin and looking for advice, Jillian’s advice is just to be yourself. “Be honest, friendly, and respectful. Be yourself and you’ll go a long way.” Thirty-five years if you’re lucky like Jillian.

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About the Author

Keabetswe Nkete
Marketing and Communications Business Partner, Sasfin Holdings Limited

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