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Put yourself first

We’re reaching the end of another difficult year and it’s time to put YOURSELF first. We know you care for so many other people in your life, whether it’s parents, siblings, children, other relatives or friends – but at some point, you need to check-in and see how YOU’RE doing, especially from a mental health perspective.


Why is this so vital? We’ve all been dealing with the intense stress of a physical health crisis in the form of the COVID-19 pandemic, but what is less spoken about is the mental health crisis going on right now in South Africa.


A Bloomberg study* done a few years ago revealed that South Africa was the second most stressed country in the world, while support group SADAG (South African Depression & Anxiety Group) has described a quadruple increase in calls to their helpline since Covid hit**.


Speak openly

There is a stigma attached to mental health, and one of the best ways to address the problem is to speak more openly about it. That’s why this October we’ll be helping you focus on your mental health, sharing ‘Mindful Monday’ tips and valuable insights from our team of psychologists within the Sasfin EAP programme.


We’ll be covering important topics such as:

  • Managing stress to create a more balanced life
  • Managing stressful situations in children
  • Mindfulness techniques for easing anxiety
  • A self-assessment quiz to gauge your level of mental wellness

Fun mental health challenge

To kick off the month, we’re inviting you to take part in our fun mental health challenge, where you commit to doing one small act of mental wellness per day. We’ve made it super easy with our game board packed with suggestions, from bubble baths to journaling, connecting with loved ones to decluttering. Download our 21-day mental health challenge today to get started and see how many you can do!


We’ll also be hosting a live webinar on Tuesday, 12 October – more information to follow.


Keep an eye out for our regular tips and insights on social media, where we’ll be sharing and engaging with the hashtag #MentalHealthMatters

About the Author

Keabetswe Nkete
Marketing & Communications Business Partner, Sasfin Bank

Keabetswe Nkete

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