In anyone knows about investments and wealth creation, it’s David Shapiro, our Chief Equity Strategist. Sitting down with Equity Analyst Ntsika Ntsokolo, David unpacks why home ownership is sometimes over rated as an investment vehicle.
When buying a house, whatever price you think you can afford – halve it.’ says Sasfin Chief Equity Strategist David Shapiro. With 3 Raging Bull awards for excellent management of unit trusts, over 50 years at the JSE (including 6 years on the JSE Committee), and decades of managing private client portfolios, David certainly knows what he’s talking about. In his characteristically relaxed and congenial style, David explains why buyers overestimate their financial ability, how the 3Gs of maintenance cause unexpected and ongoing expenses, and why home owners underestimate the value fluctuations of their property.