Key Elements Involved In Personal Financial Planning

Holistic financial planning speaks to three broad elements being Wealth Creation (or investments), Wealth Protection (insurance – life, disability or medical) and Wealth Preservation (wills, trusts and estate planning).

Each one of these components are critical in achieving financial wellbeing and we are saying wellbeing as we view wealth as more than just money.

Wealth also includes the aspirations, emotional comfort, physical wellbeing and security of our clients.

The information shared should not be viewed as advice, but rather as guiding principles that need to be considered as part of a well-constructed financial plan.

We would like to urge you to speak to one of our well qualified and experienced financial advisors before acting on any of the views expressed during this panel discussion.

The panel discussion is led by our Head of Advice, Johan Gouws. He is joined by:

  • Darryl Bennet, a senior Wealth Advisor with many years of experience that also regularly features in the media,
  • Charleen Rix who is the Head of Sasfin Healthcare Consulting
  • Sarah Simson who is the Head of Sasfin Fiduciary

About the Author

Johan Gouws
Head of Advice, Sasfin Wealth

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