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The 11th and latest annual Intellidex Top Private Banks and Wealth Manager Awards were announced on 28 June 2022. We are pleased to share that Sasfin Wealth continued to build on last year’s success by placing in the top 3 for the following three core award categories:

  • Top Boutique Wealth Manager
  • People’s Choice Wealth Manager
  • Retiree Archetype Wealth Manager

This marks exceptional progress as a wealth advisory business and confirms the trust of our clients in Sasfin Wealth’s money management and advice capabilities. Considering that 50 firms entered and over 8,600 clients participated in the survey, this accomplishment is all the more noteworthy, as is the fact that the result has been achieved during a very challenging time that has tested the business and service models of financial service providers and specifically wealth advisory businesses globally.

This recognition from the industry and, most importantly, from our clients is really the result of the great passion, commitment and effort from our very experienced, knowledgeable and professional advice team which includes all of our wealth advisors and fiduciary specialists, their assistants, our paraplanners and our business support functions. It supplements the achievements of Sasfin Wealth at the 2020 and 2021 Intellidex Top Securities Broker Awards where we proudly won the Top Advice Broker for two years in a row.

The Sasfin Wealth team gladly accepts this latest recognition and will continue to build on it for even greater success in 2023.

About the Author

Image of Johan Gouws
Johan Gouws
Head of Advice, Sasfin Wealth

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