Using Technology To Adapt Digitally

How to implement technology to transform and digitise your business.


COVID-19 has created unprecedented challenges, but the good news is that the business world was already moving towards more digital ways of working. The pandemic has merely accelerated them. Here’s how you can effectively use technology to build a modern, connected and digitised business.


  1. Find digital solutions that support your strategies


Don’t be afraid. So many people fear the term digital transformation, but technology is simply a tool used to enable businesses to work faster and smarter. It doesn’t mean that you have to understand how it works; you just need to know how to use it. Paul Slade, CEO of CRM Team


  1. Bring digital natives into your organisation


Digital natives are people born between 1995 to 2020 and they can help the less digitally savvy amongst us come to terms with technology. This has really helped us embrace a new digital way of working in our business.


Lisa Illingworth, CEO of FutureProof SA


  1. Seize the day


We must recognise that change is accelerating, and businesses need to adapt. Either you’re focusing on seizing opportunities, or you’re sitting back and hoping things will get better.


Matt Brown, CEO of Digitalkungfu

  1. Embrace (and use) big data


Data is everywhere – we just need to access it. For example, instead of just sending out emails, analyse the data. How many clients clicked on the email? How much did they spend? All of this information can assist you in remarketing to your customers.


Mpho Dagada, Member of the Presidential Commission for the Fourth Industrial Revolution


Invest in change and growth


Many leaders recognise that they are hindering their businesses, and yet they still don’t want to change – or they fear the process.


Erik Kruger, international speaker, specialist team coach and author


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