Sum of 21 Academy: This Small Business Is Setting A Big Example

1. This small business was founded to tackle two burning issues in the creative industry: Transformation and Skills Development. Sum of 21 serves as an incubator that develops young talent, so that they can successfully enter the creative industry.

2. Unlike other internship/learnership programmes they don’t shadow seniors in an advertising agency, and don’t work on fictitious or theoretical briefs. Instead, the young creatives perform the actual work and gain invaluable experience, while getting mentored by industry veterans.

3. Even better, in order not to compete for the same budget/pool as other advertising agencies, Sum of 21 is structured in such a way that it can tap into corporate SA’s BEE spend.

4. Sum of 21 doesn’t just ask for grants, instead for every R400 donated, they give back 1 hour of creative work. Companies can use these creative hours to brief Sum of 21 to solve their advertising, branding and communication challenges, with world-class creative concepts and real-world applications.

It really hits a spot deep in my heart when a small company like this decides to make a difference, and then develops innovative ways to do just that.

Watch the video below, read more about Sum of 21 on their website, or share so that more people can learn about this inspirational agency.

#SupportSmallBusiness #SmallBusinessShowcase

About the Author

Elisheva Gilbert
Chief Marketing Officer, Sasfin Holdings Limited

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