Hiten Keshaves The unconventional CA

Hiten Keshave, founder of The Unconventional CA, has a truly entrepreneurial back story, which means he launched a business, failed, learnt hard lessons and used them, and today, he’s helping other young and aspiring South African entrepreneurs to do the same.

Before we chat about how The Unconventional CA is supporting a sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystem, though, let’s take a step back to 2012.

Hiten is one of five children, all of whom were put through tertiary education and have great qualifications thanks to the business smarts of their parents. In fact, Hiten’s entire family is entrepreneurial. His parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles have all successfully run businesses throughout Hiten’s life, which is why he quickly went into business after qualifying as a CA.

Three years later, he lost everything, and that’s where the real entrepreneurial story starts, because as Hiten knows, anyone can start a business – it’s nurturing, growing and sustaining a business that takes a special recipe for success.

Hiten realised that he was missing two key things. He didn’t have a network or the skills to run a business. His school, tertiary education and brief stint as a CA had not equipped him. He transitioned back into the corporate world and got to work.

First, he started building his network. At the same time, he started paying close attention to how other business owners he met ran their businesses. He learnt lessons. He upskilled. Most importantly, he accepted and understood that he needed to grow certain areas of himself.

But 2019, he was earning accolades as a CA and he knew it was time to give back, and so he started mentoring other young entrepreneurs – which brings us full circle back to The Unconventional CA.

The Unconventional CA is an enterprise and supply chain development business that connects corporates with small businesses. Instead of B-BBEE being a corporate checkbox, these same funds are used to help grow small businesses into mid-sized business that can support South Africa’s economy and become employers.

It’s Hiten’s way of connecting his passion and purpose and earning a revenue stream at the same time – which is exactly what all business should be!

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About the Author

Image of Elisheva Gilbert
Elisheva Gilbert
Chief Marketing Officer, Sasfin Holdings Limited

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