The Green School: Filling  a Gap in our Education System


“What’s the best way to teach reading?  What’s the best science behind the writing process and how do little kids grasp that?  How do we teach kids to generate their own ideas and problem solve from kindergarten?  Are our kids coming out successful and contributing members of society?”


Grappling with these types of questions and dreaming of a particular type of school where children could follow a different curriculum is what prompted Nicole Greyling to take action.


We all dream, but it takes courage to take such a bold idea and put it into action. That’s what Nicole did when she started The Green School.  “We started off so small that our first classroom was in my parent’s extra garage.” 


At The Green School, the teachers go into the classroom to collaborate with the children, not control them.


She continues, “We want to reach as many children as we can.  We want to uplift the education system.  Because we have seen in South Africa an education system in crisis.  Our school still has a South African flavour, and it brings in the best of South Africa, but it also incorporates what the best minds in the world are saying about education.”


Big dreams start with small steps.  And maybe you will be inspired by this episode to take action where you are frustrated and can see a problem that requires solving.


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About the Author

Image of Elisheva Gilbert
Elisheva Gilbert
Chief Marketing Officer, Sasfin Holdings Limited

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