Nxaex studios keep putting in the work and you’ll see results

Thando Nxelema, owner of Nxaex Studio, is an industrial designer who’s furniture designs are unique and in demand. “We are an industrial design company that caters for the customers’ needs. We produce physical products, including furniture and accessories, and sometimes digital ones,” he explains.

Nxaex Studio received recognition though the Nando’s Hot Young Designer 2020 competition with its entry, The Space Bench.

Thando says over the past year or so many interesting clients have approached him. This has ranged from large corporates to residential property owners and even friends and family. “It has been a rocky road but a fun road too – a learning curve for the business and me, as a designer,” he says.

Thando would like to grow the business in the future. “Essentially, I’d like to build the team and employ more people. I’d also like to build up a catalogue of products and eventually have my own space with machinery and materials. It will be a place where everyone is welcome and can free their imaginations.”

He encourages other small business owners to never give up on their dreams. Keep pushing and keep doing what you love, he says. “Who knows, you might strike that lucky deal at some point. It might not be now but, at the end of the day, if you keep putting in the work, soon enough you will see results.”


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About the Author

Image of Elisheva Gilbert
Elisheva Gilbert
Sasfin Holdings Limited, Chief Marketing Officer

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