Just get going, urges CEO of Made In Workshop - Henry Levine

Henry’s dream of making a co-working space and workshop for carpenters, metalworkers and hobbyists became a reality in 2016 with the start of Made In Workshop. Made In Workshop gives enthusiasts and business owners access to industrial tools, machines and knowledge to make and ideate anything in their heads.

His members range from carpenters making basic tables and chairs to those manufacturing hundreds of pieces of furniture, and even hobbyists. Henry says he’s learnt to roll with the punches and enjoys guiding hobbyists, even those with hairbrained schemes, to an end result. 

The success of the Johannesburg workshop means Henry is ready to venture out and start two new workshops in the next three years, one based in Cape Town. Being a capital-intensive business, Henry has to be strategic in his approach. The properties he chooses will need to be perfect for the needs of the workshop and for the market in the area.

Henry will also be launching a Make It Johannesburg event in July 2022, which will showcase manufacturing in Johannesburg. Anything from furniture, refurbished cars and the making of trinkets will be on display. His goal is to make the event as user-friendly for the exhibitors as it is for those interested in attending.

Henry believes there has never been a time quite like this: you can think of an idea, design it, create it and sell it within a matter of weeks. He says everyone needs to get going and get creating. Stop talking and making lists. Just get going with those projects. Failure is a possibility, but he believes there is so much to learn in the process.

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About the Author

Image of Elisheva Gilbert
Elisheva Gilbert
Sasfin Holdings Limited, Chief Marketing Officer

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