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Tristan van Moerkerken, CEO and founder of Optimized, launched his business in university. Having lived with ADHD for most of life and relying on medication to be able to study, he reached a point where he wanted to find a healthier alternative because of the side effects he was struggling with.

Research into neurotropics and cognitive boosters led to self-experimentation, and thanks to positive results, Tristan was soon selling products to his friends, eventually launching an online store.

And Optimized was born. Tristan started out in his parent’s garage, experimenting with formulas while sourcing leading and innovative international and local products. He soon launched two ranges of his own and added technology to his portfolio – anything that promotes optimal health and wellness.

The business soon grew enough to need a warehouse and then secured it’s first round of seed funding.

We love Tristan’s story because it’s the perfect example of how an entrepreneur was able to launch a business because he set out to solve a problem for himself. That’s how markets work – if you need a solution, chances are someone else does too.

Watch the full video here:

To support Tristan and his business

About the Author

Elisheva Gilbert
Chief Marketing Officer, Sasfin Holdings Limited

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