What Sasfin Is Doing To Mitigate Against Risk Amidst COVID 19

COVID-19 Progress Update – what we are doing at Sasfin to mitigate against risk

As more information emerges on Covid-19, we are continuously evolving our response. We are making good progress with regards our five-point plan namely:

Point 1: Health and Safety

Our top priority remains the health and safety of all our stakeholders. We have taken significant steps to ensure same. There are reported cases of Covid-19 in the Melrose Arch precinct. We wish all those impacted a speedy recovery. At this point, there are no suspected or reported cases of Covid-19 amongst Sasfin employees. We have taken precautionary measures and most of our Melrose Arch employees are now either working from home or from our Waverley office. The Sasfin Wealth Melrose Arch team is able to operate remotely.

Point 2: Business Continuity

We have remote working capabilities to ensure effective business continuity. Over the last two weeks we have tested most of these processes and can advise that our services are all live. Many of our staff are already working from home and by the end of this week we expect 50% of our staff to be working from home with all our services available.

Point 3: Financial Stability

We have appropriate capital, liquidity and funding buffers to deal with short to medium term shocks.

Point 4: Stakeholder Engagement

We continue to proactively engage with all our stakeholders. All of our offices, nationally, together with our switchboard and all frontline, client-facing employees including your relationship managers will be contactable through the usual channels. If you are unable to get hold of a particular person directly, please email info@sasfin.com whereby your query will be escalated to the appropriate department.

Point 5: Client Support

We will do what we can, within sound business and governance principles, to support our clients during this time and are looking at different services across our business.

Click here for tips provided by the World Health Organisation on basic protective measures from hand washing, social distancing, respiratory hygiene and when to seek medical care.

We once again implore everyone to remain calm and to work together to mitigate against the further spread of the virus.

About the Author

Image of Michael Sassoon
Michael Sassoon
CEO, Sasfin Holdings

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